Thursday, 5 November 2015

The Shoemaker

Okay so some context here.

A few days ago I was scrolling through Facebook and stumbled upon a photo of a larger woman sans pants, wearing a shirt that read "Chubby Girls Cuddle Better". Being so fatigued as I was, I read it as "Chubby Girls Cobble Better".

Few days after that I was talking to my brother about this and he suggested drawing that. After some humming and hawing, I decided that yes, yes I should. And now I am glad I did. This turned out better than I thought it would. It's adorable and funny.

Chubby girls being better at cuddling makes as much sense as them being better at being a cobbler.

Real women don't have curves. Real women are women. Do you realize how this sounds to women that aren't naturally curvy? You're making them feel shitty to make yourself feel better, even if you might not realize that.  I have friends that are not curvy and are no less woman than I.

Stop trying to boost your body image by putting another down. It isn't helping anyone.

Love yourself, love others. Be you. YOU DO YOU, DAMMIT!

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